International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: July | Volume: 10 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 12-16

A Survey of Clinical Profile of the Patients in the Psychiatry Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital

Sudeepthi B C1, Anjana N. Ramamurthy2, N R Prashanth3, H Chandrashekar4

1PG Student, 2Senior Resident, 3Professor, 4Head of the Department,
Department of Psychiatry, BMCRI, Bangalore.

Corresponding Author: Anjana N. Ramamurthy


Background – Knowledge about proportion and seasonal variations of psychiatric disorders in out-patient department may help the clinician to plan for preventive measures like public awareness programmes and to provide adequate psychiatric services.
Aims and Objective – To study the percentage and seasonal variation of psychiatric disorders at the out-patient department in the department of psychiatry at Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore.
Methodology – Data collected from the out-patient department register in the department of Psychiatry, over a period of one year, from the month of June 2018 to May 2019. Collected data is analysed.
Results – According to the data, more cases were falling under category F10-F19 and F40-F49, least number of cases were falling under category F60-F69 and F80-F89. Seasonal variation of psychiatric disorders showed that there were more cases recorded during winter and spring months. During winter and spring months, more number of affective disorders was documented.

Key words: Psychiatric disorder, Clinical profile, Out-patient, Trend

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