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Case Report

Year: 2020 | Month: June | Volume: 10 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 239-241

Diffuse Lipomatosis of Thyroid Masquerading as Nodular Goitre

Meenu Gill1, Gauri Munjal2, Pooja Pawaria3, Zeany Cheran Momin3, Sumiti Gupta1, Bharti Saklani3, Rajeev Sen4

1Professor, 2Senior Resident, 3Junior Resident, 4Sr. Professor & Head,
Dept. of Pathology, Pt. B. D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Corresponding Author: Zeany Cheran Momin


Diffuse thyroid lipomatosis is an exceedingly rare histopathological condition of thyroid classically characterized by diffuse swelling and fatty infiltration within the thyroid stroma. We report a case of 40 year old female who presented with a midline swelling in neck since 7 years with a recent history of compressive symptoms. On evaluation, goitre of thyroid gland was revealed on computed tomography. She underwent subtotal thyroidectomy and the final diagnosis of diffuse thyroid lipomatosis was confirmed based on histopathology.

Key words: thyrolipoma; histopathology; goiter; neck swelling; lipomatosis; thyroid;

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