International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 191-196

Study the Importance of Exciting Cause {Aph5} in Episodic Migraine

Minali Rawat1, S.S.Manhas2, Arun B. Jhadav3

1MD Organon Of Medicine Department Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed To Be University Homoeopathic Medical College and Homoeopathic Hospital, Department of Post-Graduate and Research Centre, Pune-Bangalore Highway,Pune
2Associate Professor; Department- Organon Of Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed To Be University Homoeopathic Medical College and Homoeopathic Hospital, Department of Post-Graduate and Research Centre, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune
3Principal, Bharati Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College and Member of Central Council of Homoeopathy, New Delhi

Corresponding Author: Minali Rawat


The motive of mine project topic “Study the importance of Exciting Cause Aph 5 in Episodic Migraine”
The study was conducted on (n=30) involving migraine patients with signs of migraine present in the patient in the Bharati Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College from 1/01/2019 to 2/12/2019, in the hospital with keeping my objective to treat the episodic attack of Migraine and other migraine symptoms with the help of Exciting Factors which causes it and to treat with homoeopathic medicines.
The study duration of 1 year in migraine patients revealed that they responded well fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria, in myproject, 12 homoeopathic medicines were used which are frequently prescribed for migraine, noticing down the symptoms of migraine in my clinical trial and prescribing them the homoeopathic remedy, the study states that Natrum Mur medicine were used most among the sample size of the population and there were significant improvement in the symptoms of migraine, no adverse effect were noted during my trial period on the patients.
I enjoyed doing my project.

Key words: Migraine, headache, C/F, Triggers.

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