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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 181-184

Impact of Prefabricated Versus Customized Lumbo-Sacral Orthoses on Pain and Functional Activities

Sweta Rathee, Komal Chhikara

Student, Masters of Prosthetics and Orthotics in Indian Spinal Injuries Centre- Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070

Corresponding Author: Sweta Rathee


Background: The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of pre-fabricated and customized lumbo-sacral orthoses on patients with spinal problems in terms of activities of daily living as well as pain, and to ascertain the patient's preference of lumbo-sacral orthoses.
Method: Thirty subjects with spinal problems were studied. All subjects had previously been prescribed and were using lumbo-sacral orthoses to prevent the extent of pain. The impact of the brace on pain was assessed by using VAS (visual analog scale) and functional independence was assessed by using Katz ADL scale.
Result: Higher functional activity scores and higher pain scores were recorded with prefabricated lumbo-sacral orthoses when compared to customized lumbo-sacral orthoses.
Conclusion: Wearing a prefabricated as well as customized lumbo-sacral orthoses affected the independence level, but when compared, customized lumbo-sacral orthoses showed more restrictions on the functional activities of the patient and more relief in pain than prefabricated lumbo-sacral orthoses. Future studies with larger sample size should explore the relationship between pain and functioning with either brace.

Key words: Lumbo-sacral orthoses, pain, functional activities

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