International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: November | Volume: 10 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 182-187

Study to Compare Health Related and Skill Related Physical Fitness in Post Cardiac Surgery Patients with Age Matched Healthy Individuals

Vijayendra Rajguru1, Kacheria Forum2

1Associate Professor, PES’s Modern College of Physiotherapy, Shivajinagar, Pune.
2Physiotherapist, Navi Mumbai.

Corresponding Author: Vijayendra Rajguru


Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality. Although cardiac surgeries are effective treatment for CHD, it causes several pulmonary complications and causes reduction in the physical activity, decrease in muscle strength, endurance as well as the flexibility of the muscles. All these factors lead to a poor health related physical fitness as well as quality of life. Therefore, as the CHD leads to poorer physical fitness, measuring the physical fitness level is important for surveillance and assessing the effectiveness of intervention in cardiac diseases.
Study Objective: To assess the physical fitness in post cardiac surgery patients and compare it with the age matched healthy individuals using Fitness test battery.
Methodology: Fifty subjects (twenty five cardiac surgery patients and twenty five healthy individuals) meeting the eligibility criteria were recruited and a series of health related and skill related physical fitness tests were performed which includes BMI, MIP max and MEP max, Six Minute Walk Test and Peak flow rate, Sit and reach test and Hand grip, Plate tapping test and Balance tests using fitness test battery. The data collected was analyzed by using the student‘t’ test for comparing each of the components of fitness between the post cardiac surgery patients and age matched healthy individuals. The data was tabulated, coded and analysed for descriptive statistics using Microsoft Excel Worksheet.
Result: Our study demonstrated the “p” value of each component of fitness being <0.01 which indicates highly significant reduction in all the components of physical fitness of post cardiac surgery patients as compared to the healthy individuals.
Conclusion: Our study revealed, both health related and skill related physical fitness of post cardiac surgery patients is significantly reduced as compared to the age matched healthy individuals.

Key words: Health related physical fitness, post cardiac surgery patients, MIPmax, MEPmax, Six minute walk test, fitness test battery.

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