Original Research Article
Year: 2020 | Month: November | Volume: 10 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 98-105
Effectiveness of Neck Stretching and Modified Cervical Exercises with Neck Stretching and Postural Modifications in Smartphone Users with Forward Head Posture: A Comparative Study
Shreya Ahirrao1, Sharath U.R2, Somshekar3, Pradeep Krishnareddy4, Shridhar S5
1MPT, 2,4,5MPT, Assistant Professor, Kempegowda Institute of Physiotherapy, K.R. Road, V.V. Puram, Bangalore -560004
3Professor, Department of Orthopedics, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science, K.R. Road, V.V. Puram, Bangalore -560004
Corresponding Author: Shreya Ahirrao
Introduction: Smartphone addiction has become an emerging social problem as an uncontrollable overuse of it and its interference with daily life. The persistent use of smartphones can cause greater repercussions on physical and mental health.
To compare the effectiveness of neck stretching and modified cervical exercises with neck stretching and postural modification in smartphone users with the forward head posture. Methods: The subjects were assessed for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Samples were selected through a simple random sampling method. 90 subjects were recruited in the study. The age group was 15-30 years including both males and females. Subjects with smartphone addiction and forward head posture were assessed and included in the study. The outcome measures were the Visual analog Scale, universal goniometer, and the Neck Disability Index to check the pain, cervical Range Of Motion, and neck disability. Group A received neck stretching and modified cervical exercise, whereas Group B received neck stretching and postural modifications for five times a week for 4 weeks.
Results: Significant differences were observed in both groups A and B. Group A has shown a better percentage of improvement as compared to Group B against various measurements in reducing pain and disability and in improving cervical range of motion.
Conclusion: The present study stated that the Neck Stretching and modified cervical exercises were more effective than Neck stretching and postural modifications.
Key words: Smartphone users, neck stretching, modified cervical exercise, postural modifications, neck disability index, forward head posture.