International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: April | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 31-35

Analysis of Secreted Proteins and Detergent Soluble Sonicates Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

Anju Sebastian1, Arun B2

1Research Scholar, School of Health Sciences, Kannur University, Kerala.
2Director, School of Health Sciences, Kannur University, Kerala.

Corresponding Author: Anju Sebastian


Rapid and specific diagnostic methods and improved vaccines are considered a high priority to control tuberculosis. For advances in both these areas, the appropriate antigenic fractions of the bacterium are required. This study was done to compare and analyse the excretory-secretory proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis obtained from Sautons liquid culture medium and detergent soluble sonicate (DSS) proteins from Lowenstein Jensen medium. The proteins were extracted from the standard strain, H37Rv of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and analysed using SDS-PAGE. The band patterns were similar with H37Rv DSS and H37Rv Sautons proteins. However, sharper and thicker bands were seen with DSS protein, since the protein concentration was higher in DSS protein (2.227mg/ml) compared to Sautons protein (2mg/ml). Therefore, Detergent soluble sonicate is a promising antigen source for diagnostic tests obviating the need for cumbersome and tedious procedures like filtration and dialysis for extracting the excretory-secretory proteins.

Key words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, H37Rv, culture filtrate proteins, excretory-secretory proteins, detergent soluble sonicate

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