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Case Report

Year: 2019 | Month: January | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 306-308

A Not So Simple Case of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with a Foamy Masquerader- A Lesson to Learn

Namrata Rao, Suman K

Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Corresponding Author: Suman K


A 79 year old male patient presented with acute retention of urine. Suspecting benign prostatic hypertrophy, transurethral resection of prostate was done. Initially the tissue bits which were submitted showed features of benign prostatic hyperplasia with acute or chronic prostatitis. Few prostatic chips on resections showed small foci of foamy cells supporting the diagnosis of an inflammatory process, however careful examination revealed that these cells were arranged in small glandular pattern and had prominent nucleoli. Prostatic carcinomas always pose a diagnostic difficulty. It is vital to be aware of the pitfalls in its diagnosis.

Key words: prostate, foamy, adenocarcinoma, inflammation

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