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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: August | Volume: 8 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 189-195

Preference for Normal Vaginal Delivery or Elective Caesarean Section Delivery and Factors Influencing it among Antenatal Mothers in Selected Hospital at Mangalore

Ms. Shruthi Moolya1, MS. Shiny Rodrigues1, Ms. Shimi R S1, Prof. Irene T R Alvares2,
Ms John Neeta Priyanka Ebnezar3

1BSc Nursing, 2MSc (N), Head of Department – Community Health Nursing,
3MSc (N), Department of Child Health Nursing, Lecturer/Assistant Nursing Superintendent,
Father Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore-575002, Karnataka, India

Corresponding Author: Ms John Neeta Priyanka Ebnezar


The preference of a mode of delivery by an antenatal mother is a controversial subject. In recent years, the health authorities have expressed concern about the impact in the numbers of births by caesarean section and its potential negative consequences. In India, the rate of caesarean section delivery has increased from 3 per cent to 10 per cent between 1992-93 and 2005-06 (WHO ideal rate – 10% to 15 %). The popularity of Elective Caesarean Section (ELCS) over Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) is believed to be due to a combination of various demographic, socio-economic and institutional factors which include maternal age, birth order, insurance coverage/health scheme, living in urban areas, profit motivated private health institutions, the day and time of birth having an astrological significance and influence of public and private discourses of family, friends and acquaintances.
Aims: The study aimed to investigate the preferences and influencing factors for elective caesarean section or normal vaginal delivery among the antenatal mothers and to determine the association of preference for elective caesarean section or normal vaginal delivery among antenatal mothers with selected baseline variables.
Methodology: A descriptive exploratory design was used to explore the factors for preferring the mode of delivery among 150 antenatal mothers who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The data was collected using a Semi Structured Interview Questionnaire.
Results: The study findings show that majority participants (80%) preferred Normal Vaginal Delivery over Elective Caesarean Section as a mode of delivery. The major factors for preferring normal vaginal delivery were to avoid unnecessary surgical wound pain, speedy recovery from the postpartum period and safer for their baby. However, the major factors for preferring the caesarean section delivery were found to be fear of pain during the labour and found this mode as safer for the baby.

Key words: Antenatal mothers, Elective Caesarean Section, Influencing factors, Normal Vaginal Delivery, Preference

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