International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: August | Volume: 8 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 121-128

The Anti-Diabetic (Hypoglycaemic) Effect of Devadarvadi Kashaya- A Polyherbal Compound Drugs- A Pilot Study

Sangram Mishra1, Nalinikant Parida2, Sunita Temhunna3, Lilabati Mishra4, Ashok Kumar Patel5

1Professor, Department of Samhita & Siddhant, 2,3,5Asst. Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Department of Samhita & Siddhant, 4Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, 5Department of  Panchakarma, Rajiv Lochan Ayurveda Medical College, Chandkhuri, Durg, Ayush University Raipur

Corresponding Author: Sangram Mishra


Diabetes mellitus is becoming fastest considerable disease in the world. India has being estimated with fastest growing population of Diabetics. In Ayurveda it is described as prameha, which can be managed conservatively with exercise, diet along with internal medication. Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus) is a multi-factorial disease resulting from a gene environment interaction. Projection of disease prevalence and incidence rate in worldwide by WHO indicating the danger and graveness of this disease. In the present study, the initiation has been taken to collect and compiled all the related previous study about Madhumeha with current formulary devdarvadi kwath used therapeutically for the management of Madhumeha as a pilot project clinically. The diabetic patients were enrolled from the OPD of panchakarma and kaya-chikitsa department of Rajiv Lochan Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Durg by considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The patients were supplied with the specific devdarvadi kwath without any other medications and observations were done once in a week for 60 days. After the completion of scheduled dosage form and regimen to the patients the ayurvedic symptoms which was scored according to their intensity, the blood serum biochemical changes are found to be statistically significant while comparing the result before and after the treatment. This outcome has encouraged us to further trial of this formulation with other established and evidence based standard anti-diabetic formulation of Ayurveda and then with modern allopathic medicines in future time.

Key words: Madhumeha, Prameha, Diabetes mellitus, Devdarvadi kwath .

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