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Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: July | Volume: 8 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 380-384

Hemangiomas Liver

Dr. B. Ananda Rama Rao1, Dr. Mohd Raheemuddinkhan2, Dr. Pavan Kumar2

1Professor, Surgery, SVS Medical College Mahabubnagar TS 509002
2Resident in Surgery, SVS Medical College Mahabubnagar TS 509002

Corresponding Author: Dr. B. Ananda Rama Rao


Here we present a case of 40-year-old female complaining of localised pain in right hypochondrium and epigastrium since 1 month. On clinical examination she was found to have lump in the epigastrium, firm in consistency, non-tender and continuous with liver. CT showed huge hemangioma in the right lobe, and a smaller one on left lobe of liver. Resection was done. Patient had uneventful recovery. Case is presented for rarity of multiple hemangiomas in liver.

Key words: Hemangioma Liver Hepatoma Benign tumours of liver .

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