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Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: July | Volume: 8 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 373-376

Dengue Complicated with Sacroiliitis in a Pregnant Woman

Maheswaran Umakanth

Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Corresponding Author: Maheswaran Umakanth


Dengue fever is one of the most common vector-born viral infections in Sri Lanka. During the epidemic, there are spectrums of rare presentations were reported throughout the Sri Lanka. However, dengue complicated pregnancy is the challenging for clinician; moreover it complicated with sacroiliitis is more challenging task for diagnosis. As far as our knowledge this is the first reported case of dengue complicated with sacroiliitis in a pregnant woman.

Key words: Dengue complicated with sacroiliitis, dengue and sacroiliitis .

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