International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Review Article

Year: 2018 | Month: July | Volume: 8 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 352-359

Multiple Sclerosis and to Be Woman

Dr. H. Dilek DOĞAN

Beykent University, High School of Health/ Department of Nursing, İstanbul / Turkey


Multiple sclerosis (MS) a disease that is chronic, neurological and inflammatory, involves the white matter of the central nervous system. It is demyelinating and progressive, progresses with remissions, and can cause permanent disability. It is often seen in young adults. MS is two times more common in women than in men. It is similar to many chronic diseases in terms of its general symptoms. It affects the life quality of individuals during the reproductive period. It is quite important to evaluate MS in terms of women’s life cycles because the rate of the disease increases in women between the ages of 20 and 40 - the most productive period - and because approximately 70% of MS patients are women. In this review, the natural course of life of women with MS was investigated based on up-to-date guidelines and the literature, including their sexual lives, use of contraceptives, pregnancies, giving birth, postpartum period, breastfeeding, assisted reproductive techniques and menopause periods. It was aimed in this review to take into account especially the period of woman’s life when preparing treatment programs for women with MS. It was also aimed to have healthcare professionals and nurses to establish healthcare processes in this direction. In conclusion, results reveal that there are limited numbers of studies on the subject and that there is a need to conduct more extensive studies on the subjects that controversial issues.

Key words: Multiple sclerosis, period of woman’s life, woman.

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