International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: July | Volume: 8 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 92-96

Effect of Combination of Certain Indigenous Drugs in Hirsutism

Dr. Divya Rani.S.R1, Dr. Anjaly. M. V2, Dr. Emy. S. Surendran3, Dr. Hemavathi. S.K4

1PG Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, 4Prof & HOD,
Dept of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga, School of Ayurveda, Amrita University, Amritapuri, India
3Research Officer, CARIN & MSD, Cheruthuruthy

Corresponding Author: Dr. Hemavathi. S.K


Hirsutism is defined as the presence of male pattern coarse hairs in females. It affects around 5-10% of the women [1] and is a common presenting complaint in the Out Patient Department for cosmetic reasons. Hirsutism is commonly seen in hyperandrogenism associated with conditions like PCOS. Kāśyapa Saṃhitā mentioned Puṣpagni jātahāriṇi [2]characterized by sthaulya and lomaśa gaṇḍa (hairy and corpulent cheeks) which can be clinically correlated with manifestations of hirsutism in PCOS. In contemporary medicine there are several methods available today for hair removal, temporary as well as permanent including procedures like electrolysis. Most of them can cause various medical problems like skin discoloration, dryness of skin and are expensive. In the present study external application of powder of certain indigenous drugs like haridrā, mudgā, sarṣapa, saindhava lavaṇa with tila taila for the hair removal purpose . All the above drugs are easily available and economic. Materials and methods: Total of 30 patients after satisfying the inclusion criteria were registered for the study. A lepa was asked to prepare out of the powdered drug with tila taila and was applied topically for 90 days daily. The assessment was done by using a specialized case record form with detailed history and other signs and symptoms. The pre and post photographs of the selected area (area of abnormal hair growth) were taken during the course of the clinical study were assessed by imageJ software and modified FG scale. Statistical analysis used: Paired Sample t-Test & Wilcoxon signed rank test with Bonferroni correction using IBM SPSS Statistics software to interpret the time of significant change. It was found that the study drug was effective in some of the characteristics of hirsutism with significant reduction of hair density, hair regrowth pattern, severity of hirsutism and improvement in changing hair pattern; i.e. terminal to vellus is noted and thereby improving the quality of life of patient.

Key words: Hirsutism, indigenous drugs, Puṣpagni jātahāriṇi.

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