Original Research Article
Year: 2018 | Month: July | Volume: 8 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 84-91
Appraisal of Skin Color by Dint of RGB Values in Perceiving Prakriti of Infants
Srivastava Niraj1, Singh Praguna2, Gehlot Sangeeta3, Singh Sanjay4, Singh B.M.5
1Reader-Department of Kaumarbhritya/Balaroga, Government Ayurvedic College,
Varanasi (Sampurnanand Sanskrit University)
2Developer Associate (SAP Labs), Bangalore
3Professor and Head, Department of Kriya Sharir, FOAy, IMS, BHU;
4Associate professor, Department of Computer Science, IIT, BHU;
5Professor and Head, Department of Kaumarbhritya/Balroga, FOAy, IMS, BHU
Corresponding Author: Dr. Niraj Srivastava
Background and Aim: Prakriti is one of the unique and basic concepts of Ayurveda that explain the individuality, which is decided at the time of conception and later nourished during the intrauterine life. There are so many factors that influence the Prakriti of an infant, one of them is skin color. As par Ayurveda, Vata Prakriti individuals present Dhusaragatra (dusky color body), Pitta Prakriti persons show Tamra Varna (coppery color), while Kapha Prakriti individuals express Durva, Priyangu and Sarkanda color.
Methods: Prakriti of 226 infants was assessed thru PRS-IPA (Prototype Research Software-Infant Prakriti Assessment), a Prakriti assessment software for infants, while the RGB values were gathered from facial photographs of healthy infants of different Prakriti as well as from photographs of Tamra (copper sheet), Durva (Cynodon dactylon), Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) and Sarkanda, (Saccharum bengalense) through MATLAB R 3013b software.
Discussion & Conclusion: In present study, the R, G, B, and RGB values have shown significant variation between two Prakriti pairs among the infants of various Prakriti (n=226). Mean values of Red, Green, Blue component, and RGB for three basic Prakriti were respectively 101.96 ± 5.62, 63.31 ± 4.61, 44.08 ± 7.53 and 209.35 ± 8.67 for Vata Prakriti infants while these were 138.77± 7.79, 92.87± 9.12, 68.42± 6.95, and 300.07 ± 16.04 for Pitta Prakriti and for Kapha Prakriti infants, these values were 240.88 ± 7.1, 151.86 ± 14.55, 90.99± 10 and 483.74±17.22 respectively. These values suggest that Kapha Prakriti individuals have maximum RGB value, while Pitta and Vata Prakriti individuals have medium and minimum RGB values respectively. The present study exhibits strong relation between the range of R, G, B and cumulative RGB values with Prakriti of infants.
Key words: Prakriti, Infants, RGB (Red, Green & Blue), PRS-IPA (Prototype Research Software-Infant Prakriti Assessment).