International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: February | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 134-137

Attitude of Parents towards Their Intellectually Disabled Children and its Associated Psychosocial Impact on Them

Suchismita Pahantasingh1, K. Jaykrishnan2, Jhunilata Pradhan1, Krishna Kumari Samantaray1, Rubi Pradhan1

1Msc.Tutor, 2Assistant Professor, SUM Nursing College, Sector-8, Kalinga Nagar, Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar-751003

Corresponding Author: Suchismita Pahantasingh


Today’s modern life style is increasing the number of Intellectual disabled children and the birth of disabled child is a stigmatic situation both for the parents and family. Family members go through a plethora of emotions due to the detection of intellectual disability including denial, shock, anger, grief, guilt, embarrassment, depression. Some parents may have negative attitude and psychosocial impact towards intellectually disabled children.
Objectives: The study is an attempt to assess the attitude of parents towards intellectual disabled children, its associated psychosocial impact and the relationship between them.
Materials and Methods: A non experimental descriptive research design was undertaken to conduct the study. The data were collected from 30 samples from a selected special learning institution, Bhubaneswar. To achieve the goal of the study self structured five point Likert’s scale and modified NIMH psychosocial impact scale was used to collect the data.
Results: The findings of the study demonstrate that 23.34% negative and 70% having positive attitude and upon parents there are 10% of intermediate positive psycho social impact, 90% severe positive psychosocial impact, 86% intermediate negative impact and 7% of mild and severe negative psychosocial impact and after analysis it is revealed that there is significant positive relationship between the attitude and psychosocial impact among the parents as the r value is 0.18. This means that if attitude becomes positive the impact will be positive.

Key words: Attitude, Psycho social impact and intellectually disabled children

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