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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: January | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 129-133

Effect of Surgery on Post Operative Blood Sugar Level among Non Diabetic Patients with Fractures in Relation to Gender Difference

N P Singh1, Binny Sarai2, G S Aulakh3

1Professor, Deptt of Surgical Conditions, Jammu College of Physiotherapy.
2Lecturer, Deptt of Biochemistry, Jammu College of Physiotherapy.
3Director and Chief Orthopedic Surgeon, Aulakh Bone and Joint Hospital, Tarantaran

Corresponding Author: N P Singh


Background: Risk of increased blood sugar level in patients with traumatic fractures at time of admission is common complication among the spectrum of complications associated with orthopedic trauma. Acute hyperglycemia following traumatic injury has received significant attention in various studies, however there has been little discussion regarding the relationship of blood glucose level in cases of fractures at time of admission and few days after surgery and also rare data is available with respect to gender difference in blood sugar level pre and post operatively in cases of orthopedic trauma.
Methodology: Samples of blood for estimation of Random blood sugar were taken from the patients with traumatic fracture at time of admission to the hospital. The samples of Random blood sugar were grouped into two Group A (Male) and Group B (Female). Total 20 samples that is 10 males and 10 females were collected. Each sample was then tested for Random blood sugar level by O-Toluidine method. The same procedure of collection of blood samples from same patients and estimation of Random blood sugar level was done ten days after surgical treatment of fracture and the estimation of blood sugar level was done by means of O-Toluidine method.
Results: Comparison of blood sugar level of all 20 patients for Random blood sugar level at time of admission and 10 days after surgery showed significant change with p <0.001. Whereas comparison of Group A ( Male) and Group B ( Female) for Random blood sugar level at time of admission and 10 days after surgery showed insignificant difference between both the groups with p>.05.
Conclusion: Blood sugar level increases in cases of fractures among non diabetic patients at time of admission due to hyper metabolic response to stress and decreases to normal levels few days after surgery due to multiple factors such as effect of anesthesia, relieve in pain, good sleep and reduced fatigue with no significant difference in blood sugar levels among male and female patients at time of admission and 10 days after surgery.

Key words: Fracture, Blood Sugar level, Non Diabetic, Stress, Hyperglycemia.

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