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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume: 8 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 60-65

Fine Motor Affection in Manual Labourers

P. Sathya1, Janhavi Arvind Ostwal2

1Associate Professor, 2Physiotherapy Student,
D.Y.Patil University, School of Physiotherapy, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India

Corresponding Author: P. Sathya


The purpose of this study was to find the fine motor affection in manual labourers.
Methodology: In this study sample of 48 male labourers were taken with the age group of 20-50 years. All the subjects were tested using fine motor components of Jebsen Hand Function Test to find fine motor affection in them.
Result: The non-dominant hand was affected more than the dominant hand for the activity of card turning by 35%, simulated feeding by 7% and Checkers by 12.5%, whereas the activity of simulated feeding showed 4% more affection of the dominant hand. When the sample was divided into two groups by work years of less than and more than 10 years, the activity of Card Turning showed similar affection on both hands for both groups. The dominant hand (12%) and non-dominant hand (8%) were affected in the activity of Small Common Objects in the group who worked for more than 10 years compared to the other group. In the activity of Simulated Feeding and Checkers, the dominant hand was affected similarly in both the groups. In the non-dominant hand the affection seen was 13% and 15% more in the group who worked for more than 10 years compared to the group that worked less than 10 years respectively for the activity of Simulated Feeding and Checkers. When the two groups were compared there was no significant difference between the groups for fine motor affection.
Conclusion: The study concludes that the fine motor activity is affected in the manual labourers, non-dominant hand was affected more than the dominant.

Key words: Fine motor, Jebsen Hand Function Test, Manual Labourers.

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