International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: November | Volume: 8 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 185-193

A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cartoon Based Diversional Therapy on Pain during Intravenous Medication among Preschoolers in Selected Hospitals, Bangalore

Rhinu Shrestha1, Jacqulin Jeneta B.J2

1Lecturer, 2Associate Professor,
Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Solteemode, Kalimati, Kathmandu.

Corresponding Author: Rhinu Shrestha


The study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cartoon based diversional therapy on pain during Intravenous medication among preschoolers. A Quasi-experimental study post-test only design was undertaken in a ward of Indira Gandhi Children's Hospital. 60 preschoolers, 3 to 6 years of age were selected by purposive sampling. The obtained data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and interpreted in terms of objectives. 
OBJECTIVES: 1. to compare the effectiveness of cartoon based diversion therapy on pain among the preschoolers in experimental group and control group. 2. to find association between the level of pain among preschoolers during intravenous medication in experimental and control group with their selected demographic variables of experimental and control group.
INTERVENTIONS: Two groups were chosen for the study: the experimental and control group, in order to test the effect of cartoon diversion therapy in reducing pain during intravenous medication. In experimental group, animated cartoon was showed during intravenous medication and in control group; the procedure was performed according to usual routine. FLACC pain scale was used to assess the level of pain in both groups. The result of the study shows that, majority of the subjects 14 (46.7) in the experimental group had pain score between (1-3) mild discomfort and in control group 25 (83.3%) had score (7-10) severe discomfort. Therefore, the data subjected for statistical test reveals that the overall response in behavioural pain level between experimental and control groups found to significant at 5% level. The overall behavioural pain level among experimental group and control group, calculated ‘t’ value came out 47.14, which is more than table value at 0.05 levels. It reveals that overall behavioural pain level among preschoolers is significant difference at 0.05 levels. When an association between demographic variables and behavioural pain level among experimental and control group is considered, there is statistically significant association found in socio demographic variables age (χ²= 14.81*, df=6), gender (χ²=7.55*, df=2), history of previous hospitalization (χ²= 9.11*, df=2) and site of cannulization  (χ²=13.20*, df=6)in experimental group; gender (χ²= 6.86*, df=1), type of family (χ²=7.85*, df=2), and history of previous hospitalization (χ²=4.00*, df=1) in control group; The findings concluded that cartoon based diversional therapy is an effective distraction strategy to reduce pain during Intravenous medication among preschoolers.

Key words: Effectiveness, Cartoon Based Diversional Therapy, Pain, Intravenous Medication

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