International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: November | Volume: 8 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 137-143

Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Regarding Leukemia among Caregivers of Leukemia Patients in Selected Hospitals of District Mohali, Punjab

Ms Rekha Rani Nar1, Prof. Kanwaljit Gill MN2

1PhD Scholar Desh Bhagat University Mandi Govindgarh Punjab
2PhD Guide: Desh Bhagat University Mandi Govindgarh Punjab

Corresponding Author: Ms Rekha Rani Nar


In India hematological malignancies as a group were the sixth most common with 8.77% patients. Reason for India's low survival rates is patients do not fully comply with the treatment decided by the doctors and follow-up is also patchy, says A Nandakumar, director of the National Cancer Registry Programme. A diagnosis of leukemia dramatically affects the lives of caregivers and all others who have a relationship with the patient. The patient and the entire family experience an emotional, physical and financial impact. Both patient and caregiver usually need to rearrange daily activities to some degree changes that may not come easily. Care givers often feel unprepared to provide care because they receive little guidance from the formal health care providers. As a result, care givers are unfamiliar with the type of care they must provide because of the inadequate knowledge and skills to perform their work.
Quantitative approach using descriptive design was adopted for the present study. The sample for the present study was comprised of the caregivers of leukemia patients who were regularly attending OPD with patient in selected hospitals under study and is main family caregiver. One hundred fifty caregivers of patients suffering from leukemia were included in study. Paper and pencil techniques were selected to collect data regarding knowledge of caregivers of leukemia patients. Data collection was done using structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge of caregivers of leukemia patients regarding leukemia. Results shows that majority of caregivers of leukemia patients had poor knowledge. The study found that mean knowledge score was poor and thus required intervention. As observed in findings, maintaining and improving the health care status of the leukemia patients is very important and thus caregivers need information and support to take care of their near ones.

Key words: Caregiver, leukemia and knowledge

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