International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: October | Volume: 8 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 189-195

Descriptive Study to Assess the Quality of Life and Disability among Substance Abusers

Navjot Singh1, Dr. Amandeep Kaur Bajwa2

1M. Sc (N) Student, SGRD College of Nursing, Vallah, Amritsar.
2Professor, SGRD College of Nursing, Vallah, Amritsar

Corresponding Author: Navjot Singh



The abuse of drugs and alcohol is an international problem which affects almost every country in the world, both developed and developing. Substance abuse has been a topic of interest to many professionals in the area of health, particularly mental health. Quality of life can be described as a sense of well-being, meaning and value. Quality of life is a holistic approach that not only emphasizes on individual’s physical, psychological, and spiritual functioning. A Descriptive study was carried out to assess the Quality of life and Disability among substance abusers at SGRD Hospital, Vallah, Amritsar. 100 substance abusers from Psychiatric ward and De-addiction centre was selected by using Convenience sampling technique. Socio-demographic profile, BREF WHOQOL scale and WHO disability assessment schedule was used to collect the data and was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that 6 % substance abusers had poor quality of life, 78% substance abusers had average quality of life and 16% substance abusers had good quality of life with an average mean 163.2 and S.D was 37.74. The results of level of disability among substance abusers showed that 10 (10.5%) had mild disability, 81 (85.3%) had moderate disability and 4 (4.2%) had severe disability. The average mean for disability was 46.49 and SD was 12.92. The study concluded that substance abusers experience average quality of life and moderate disability in the society which requires particular attention to improve their quality of life and to prevent disability among substance abusers.

Key words: Quality of life, substance abusers, disability.

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