International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: June | Volume: 7 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 178-185

Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disorder

Dr Bela Agarwal1, Dr Afrin Mukri2, Dr Monal Shah3, Dr Sai Laxmi Ganesan4, Dr Rajani Mullerpatan5

1Associate Professor, 2Post Graduate Student, 3Lecturer, 4Honorary Faculty, 5Director,
MGM School of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai

Corresponding Author: Dr Bela Agarwal


Aim: Respiratory muscle weakness is a component of pulmonary dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. Objective of the study was to investigate effect of inspiratory muscle strength training on Maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and Maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) in people with Parkinson’s disease.
 Method: Ethical clearance was sought and all participants signed informed consent. Study group included twenty patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease classified using modified Hoehn and Yahr scale 1-3. Control group included 20age matched healthy people. Both groups enrolled in Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST) program for one month. Study group continued to train for six months thereafter. Outcome of strength training was measured using MIP and MEP.
Results: Study group demonstrated 17 % lower pre training MIP (MIP P 34.2±8.2, MIP h41.70±7.6 cmH2O, p<0.005), and 22 % lower MEP (MEP p 42.5 ±9.6 and MEP h54.1±10.2, p <0.001) compared to healthy controls. Post IMST, improvement in MIP and MEP was observed in both groups. However, study group attained lower respiratory pressures compared to healthy group. (Study Group MIPp 62.9±16.7 and MEPp- 69.1±14.8cm H2O , Control Group MIPh 79.5±14.2, and MEPh 90.0±16.3 ( p<0.001) . Study group required 6 months of training to achieve values of MIP and MEP similar to that achieved by control group who were trained for 1 month only.
Conclusion: Inspiratory muscle strength training for 6 months resulted in improved MIP and MEP values in people with Parkinson’s disease. Rehabilitation program for patients with Parkinson’s disease should include IMST to improve respiratory muscle strength.

Key words: Parkinson’s disease, maximum inspiratory pressure, maximum expiratory pressure, Incentive spirometer.

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