International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 297-302

Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of School Girls Regarding Early Marriage and Early Pregnancy

V. Vandana1, K. Simarjeet1, S. Manisha2

1Nursing Tutor, Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing Department, M.M. College of Nursing, Mullana.
2Clinical Instructor, Medical Surgical Nursing Department, M.M. College of Nursing, Mullana.

Corresponding Author: V. Vandana


Pregnancy may be understood as a transition and as a part of a woman's transition to motherhood. Early marriage is defined as marriage carried below the age of 18 years, before the girl is physically, physiologically and psychologically ready to shoulder the responsibilities of marriage and childbearing. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of school girls regarding early marriage and early pregnancy. Non Experimental research approach with descriptive research design was used. The sample size comprised of 200 school girls selected by purposive sampling techniques of selected schools of Barara, Ambala. Structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale (5-point Likert scale) were used to collect data from school girls. The study result revealed that the mean percentage of knowledge scores of the school girls were relatively low (59.6) which shows that the school girls were having less knowledge regarding early marriage and early pregnancy. The findings of the present study also indicated that the mean percentage of attitude score of the school girls were relatively high (69.9) showing the moderately favourable attitude of school girls.

Key words: Knowledge, Attitude, School Girls, Early Marriage, Early Pregnancy

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