International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 49-55

Epidemiological Study of Tobacco Use in Indian Adults: Addiction Pattern and Determinants of Tobacco Cessation

Dr Gita Nadimpalli1, Dr Nitin Abhyankar2, Dr N. P. Rao3, Dr Shahu Ingole4, Dr Nischal Yalgi5, Deepalaskhmi Peshwae6, Vrushali More7

1M.D Internal Medicine, Physician - Rao Nursing Home, Pune
2M.D-Pulmonary Medicine, Intensivist and Chest Physician, Poona Hospital and Research Center, Pune
3M.D Internal Medicine, Chief Physician, Rao Nursing Home
4MD Pharmacology, Asst. General Manager, Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Pune.
5MD Internal Medicine, Intensivist Rao Nursing Home, Pune
6Counselor, Rao Nursing Home
7Data Entry Operator, Rao Nursing Home.

Corresponding Author: Dr Gita Nadimpalli


Background: Smoking cessation plays a crucial role in reducing mortality and morbidity. Hence, knowledge about pattern of smoking in Indian population and factors influencing smoking cessation can help in effectively implementing interventional measures for its reduction.
Objective: To assess pattern of smoking/tobacco habits, level of motivation to quit smoking and to understand the interventional measures that can be taken for effectively achieving smoking cessation.
Methods: An observational study was conducted in 577 subjects using a pre-validated questionnaire to analyze the pattern, forms and level of tobacco addiction and level of motivation for smoking cessation. Questionnaire administration by personal visits to participants was followed by a brief presentation on hazards of smoking along with motivation for smoking cessation. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: Majority of the smokers were males preferring tobacco smoking over smokeless tobacco. Smoking at public places was avoided by them particularly where smoking was banned. Many of them were not aware of the anti-tobacco campaign/advertisements in the last 30 days. However, it was encouraging to see that majority were willing to quit smoking, especially males and they were ready to take medications for the same. But, very few visited to the doctor and were advised to quit smoking. Health and family concerns were the major reasons contributing for smoking cessation.
Conclusion: Smoking bans at home, work and public places, anti-tobacco campaigns and motivation from family and healthcare professionals can facilitate smoking cessation.

Key words: Tobacco use, Addiction, Motivation, Smoking cessation.

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