International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 181-189

Evaluation of the Human Enamel Surface Morphology after Tooth Bleaching Followed By Remineralizing Agents

Dr. Asrar Mohammad Abutalib1, Dr. Hoda Fensa2

1Bachelor's Degree in Dental Medical and Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Umm Al-Qura University.
2Assistant Professor of Oral Biology, Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Affiliated to Faculty of Dentistry, Umm Al Qura University.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Asrar Mohammad Abutalib


Background: Over the last two decades there was dramatic growth and impact of tooth whitening worldwide which raised patients’ awareness of the appearance of their smile. The exposure of tooth surface to various dental bleaching agents can affect the morphology and roughness of enamel surface. Many treatments to the bleached enamel has been tested such as calcium phosphate and fluoride remineralizing agents.
Objective: The aim of this in vitro study is to evaluate the human enamel surface morphology after tooth bleaching using at home zoom bleaching agent followed by the application of two different protective pastes (ACP gel, MI Paste Plus).
Methods: Specimens were prepared from 20 human premolars free of caries and defects. The bleaching procedures were performed with 22% carbamide peroxide (at home zoom bleaching). For the remineralization treatment, two protective pastes (ACP, MI Paste Plus) were evaluated. Specimens were randomly assigned to 4 groups of 5 specimens each. The effect of the bleaching agent followed by remineralization agents were examined by scanning electron microscopy and DIAGNOdent pen. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was performed to compare the mean values of investigated groups. Student t – test was used to compare between two groups.
Results: The results of the present study revealed slight to moderate irregularities and pores on the enamel surface after the bleaching procedure with no loss of superficial structure. Application of the protective pastes on the bleached enamel surface showed deposition of a protective layer on the enamel surface. There was a statistical significant difference between the two protective paste groups (p< 0.05) regarding the content of minerals with the better remineralization shown in the MI paste plus group.
Conclusion: The use of the protective agents tested can be useful in clinical practice to reduce the adverse effects on enamel surface after bleaching procedures. However, the protective effect of MI Paste Plus product demonstrated a higher efficacy as compared to ACP relief gel product.

Key words: Bleaching, Enamel, Carbamide peroxide, Remineralization, ACP, MI paste.

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