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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: February | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 52-56

Miscarriage in First Trimester: Risk Factors and Sonographic Assessment in Sudanese Pregnant Women

Mowada Burai1,2, Moawia Gameraddin1, Razaz Yahya2

1Department of Diagnostic Radiologic Technology, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Taibah University, KSA.
2Faculty of Radiological Sciences and Medical Imaging, Al-zaiemAlazhari University, Khartoum, Sudan.

Corresponding Author: Mowada Burai


Background: Miscarriage has been still a health problem in pregnancy which caused by various factors. Ultrasound plays effective in assessment. The study aims to identify the risk factors and to assess the various types of miscarriage using ultrasound.
Methods: This is a descriptive prospective cross-sectional study conducted from March to August 2016. A total of 200 Sudanese pregnant were scanned with ultrasound, transabdominally and transvaginally to evaluate the embryo and gestational sac in the first trimester using 3.5 MHz and 5-7 MHz probes. Data collection sheet was designed to include the risk factors and demographic data.
Results: A total of 200 women in first trimester were evaluated with ultrasound, with 27% diagnosed with incomplete miscarriage, 18.5% with complete miscarriage, 15% missed abortion, 5% threatened abortion, 5% blighted ovum, 2.5% molar pregnancy, 1.5% inevitable abortion and 1%ectopic pregnancy. History of miscarriage is the main risk factor of miscarriage (34%), while obesity is the second risk factor (9%), thyroid diseases 2%, and contraceptive pills 1.5%. Miscarriage mainly affects the maternal age group 20-30 years (62%).
Conclusion: Several and variable risk factors associated with miscarriage in first trimester of pregnancy. History of miscarriage and obesity were the most common risk factors of miscarriage. Sonographic assessment of miscarriage concluded that incomplete miscarriage, complete miscarriage and missed miscarriage were the common types of miscarriage.

Key words: Miscarriage, First trimester, Sudanese pregnant women.

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