International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: October | Volume: 7 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 34-37

Lipids and Lipoproteins in Various Socio-Economic Classes in Enugu South East Nigeria

Aniagolu Miriam Obiageli1, Onyeanusi Joel2, Ugwuene Francis O1

1Department of Chemical Pathology, Enugu state University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Enugu, Nigeria.
2Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences College of Medicine University of Nigeria Enugu Campus.

Corresponding Author: Aniagolu Miriam Obiageli


A striking relationship exists between peoples’ lipid and lipoprotein profile and their socio economic classes. This work was designed to study the relationship between Lipid and lipoprotein profile and the various socio-economic classes and age groups in Nigeria, with special reference to Enugu, South East Nigeria, hence to determine the effects of the prevailing economic condition in Nigeria, on these socio-economic classes. A total of 90 samples (45 males and 45 Females each) 30 from each of the various socio-economic classes were analyzed for the study. Fasting blood samples were collected, sera separated and properly stored and analyzed. Significant difference was noted in the lipid and lipoprotein profile of various socio-economic classes while none was noted within the age groups except in the cholesterol level of age group 26-35 year. Significant differences were also observed for the triglyceride, cholesterol and LDL - cholesterol levels between males and females with the mean level for the males greater while the differences in the HDL and VLDL - cholesterol were not significant.

Key words: Lipids, Lipoproteins, Socio Economic Classes, Cholesterol, Triglycerides.

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