International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: October | Volume: 7 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 152-157

Adoption of Guidelines on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Care of Urinary Catheter in Situ among Staff Nurses

Jagdeep Kaur1, C. Naveen Kumar2

1M. Sc. (N) Student, 2Assistant Professor,
SGRD College of Nursing, Vallah, Amritsar.

Corresponding Author: Jagdeep Kaur


A urinary tract infection is an infection that involves any of the organs or structures of the urinary tract, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. UTIs are the most common type of healthcare associated infection and are most often caused by the placement or presence of a catheter in the urinary tract. CAUTIs have been associated with increased morbidity, mortality, healthcare costs, and length of stay. The risk of CAUTI can be reduced by ensuring that catheters are used only when needed and removed as soon as possible. A pre experimental study design was applied to assess adoption of guidelines on knowledge and practice regarding care of urinary catheter in situ among staff nurses at S.G.R.D. Hospital, Amritsar. 60 staff nurses working in ICU, Surgical Ward and Gynaecolgy Ward were selected by using convenient sampling technique. The data was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire and checklist related to care of urinary catheter in situ. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the results show that in pre test 34 (56.7 %) had moderate knowledge, 19 (31.7 %) had inadequate knowledge and 07 (11.6 %) had adequate knowledge. In pre test practice 37 (61.7 %) had moderate practice, 15 (25.0 %) had inadequate practice and 08 (13.3 %) had adequate practice. In post test knowledge 34 (56.7 %) had moderate knowledge, 23 (38.3%) had adequate knowledge and 03 (5.0%) had inadequate knowledge. In post test practice 30 (50.0 %) had moderate practice, 22 (36.7 %) had adequate practice and 08 (13.3%) had inadequate practice. Effectiveness of guidelines on pre-test and post-test knowledge score was tested by using paired ‘t’ test value was - 7.875 with ‘p’ value .000 (< 0.01 level of significance). Effectiveness of guidelines on pre-test and post-test practice score was tested by using paired ‘t’ test value was -6.825 with ‘p’ value .000 (< 0.01 level of significance). Catheter restriction protocols have been a common component of successful multi-modal interventions to decrease catheter use and CAUTI rates, including hospital-wide interventions such as the emergency department, inpatient units (including general medical, surgical wards and ICU), and in the periprocedural setting.

Key words: Urinary Catheter, Adoption of guidelines, knowledge, Practice.

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