International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2016 | Month: October | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 174-179

Effectiveness of Herbal Extract in Enhancing the Level of HB among Adolescent Girls with Iron Deficiency Anemia at Selected Higher Secondary Schools at Bangalore

Resmi.S1, Fathima Latheef2, R.Vijayaraghavan3

1Ph.D Scholar, Saveetha University, Chennai.
2Research Guide, Principal, Columbia College of Nursing, Bangalore.
3Research Director, Saveetha University, Chennai.

Corresponding Author: Resmi S


Background Information: Anemia develops when there are not enough healthy red blood cells in the body. Adolescent are particularly susceptible to iron deficiency anemia in view of the increased need for dietary iron. Anemia can result from decreased erythrocyte production which occurs due to decreased Hemoglobin synthesis. The heme in hemoglobin accounts for 2/3 of the body’s iron. Iron is lost by chromic bleeding & excessive menstruation. When the stored iron is not replaced, hemoglobin production Is reduced leads to deficiency anemia.
Aim & objectives: evaluate the effectiveness of herbal extract in enhancing the level of HB of adolescent girls with iron deficiency anemia.
Materials and Methods: The data was collected using structured interview schedule, check list, sahlis method for the confirmatory diagnostic evaluation and blood test to assess the accurate level of HB. The study was conducted on 20 adolescent girls with iron deficiency anemia and herbal extract given for a period of 1month. Pre-test administered before starting the intervention and post-test at the end of the month. The study was conducted at Gangothri public school in Bangalore district.
Result: The study showed that in the experimental group mean score and SD in the Pre-test was 9.7±1.218 and post test was 11.03±1.685. The difference in the pretest & post-test mean values was statistically significant at p<0.05 level, t=2.9759, df =18) there was a significant improvement in the level of HB & proved that the intervention of herbal mixture was effective in enhancing the level of the HB.
Conclusion: present study reflected that herbal extract have been playing a key role to cope with iron deficiency anemia as demonstrated by improved HB and micro-nutrients level in the blood.

Key words: effectiveness, adolescent girls, herbal mixture, iron deficiency anemia.

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