International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2025 | Month: February | Volume: 15 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 224-236

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20250230

Effect of Modified Holmich Exercises in Improving Hip Adductor Strength, Agility, Sprint Time Among Previously Groin Injured Football Players

Ajith David1, Susan Annie George2

1Physiotherapist, Medical Trust Hospital, Kochi, Kerala, India
2Assistant Professor, College of Physiotherapy, Medical Trust Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, India

Corresponding Author: Ajith David


Background: Football is a high-impact game with high-load running, sprinting, agility, sudden direction-changing. Groin pain is a common injury in football players due to high-speed running, changes in direction, jumping and landing, and kicking. Isometric hip adduction strength is decreased in groin-injured players. The modified Holmich exercises help in hip adductors and pelvic muscles strengthening, and core stabilisation. The objectives of this study are to find out the effect of Modified Holmich Exercise in Improving Hip Adductor Strength, Agility, Sprint Time Among Previously Groin Injured Sub Elite Football Players.
Methods: On the basis of selection criteria, 30 subjects were selected and divided equally into Group A (Experimental Group) receiving modified Holmich exercises along with conventional treatment and Group B (Control group) receiving conventional treatment. Sprint time, agility and hip adductor strength were measured at the beginning and after 10-weeks of intervention using 30-meter sprint test, Illinois test, modified sphygmomanometer test respectively.
Results: Paired t test showed significant improvement in Sprint time, agility and hip adductor strength within the group. In unpaired t test, sprint time, agility and hip adductor strength expressed significant improvement in the experimental group than control group.
Conclusion: There was improvement in Sprint time, agility and hip adductor strength within experimental and control group. The experimental group shows more significant improvement than control group in all the three parameters.

Key words: Agility, Football, Hip Adductor Strength, Modified Holmich Exercise, Sprint Time

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