International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 268-277

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240639

Ayurveda Inspired Personalised Dietetics Based on Daihika Prakriti

Dr. Sakshi Sharma1, Prof. Mahendra Kumar Sharma2, Prof. Pramod Kumar Mishra3

1Ph.D. Scholar at P.G Dept. of Swasthavritta & Yoga, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, DSRRAU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
2Professor & Head at P.G Dept. of Sharir Rachna, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, DSRRAU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
3Professor & Head at P.G Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda, DSRRAU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sakshi Sharma


Ayurveda states that everything in this universe comprises of five basic elements i.e. the Pancha Mahabhootas. Tri-Upastambha i.e. aahar, nindra & brahmacharya are the three sub-pillars of life. They arevividly described in Ayurveda classical texts as they provide sustainable support to our bodyin the form of strength, complexion and growth. Ayurvedic concepts of Ahara and dietary or pathya guidelines are vast, scientific, and personalized depending on the prakriti of the individual. Major texts exclusively deal with a balanced diet for healthy living based on dietetic rules like virrudha aahar, aahar vidhi vidhaan etc. As stated by Acharya Sushruta “dosha, dhatu, malamulam hi shareeram” bringing balance to the whole system of doshas, dhatus and malas is the primary aim of ayurveda treatment.  Prakriti plays a vital role in deciding ahara and vihara, achara and parihara following which an individual can lead a healthy life. But there is an immense difference in dietary applications in ancient India and the present digital era so by the need of time it is an emerging area of research, which may unfold future possibilities toward smart yet safe therapeutics, hence an attempt has been made to present the basic personalized dietetics based on the individual daihika prakriti.

Key words: Tri-Upastambha, ahara, Prakriti, personalized dietetics, pathya.

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